My Mission

This site is not made to gather resources for those in need. This blog was made for one purpose only, to bring awareness about the forgotten world. We live our lives each day without really noticing what's going on around the world. And that's the purpose for this blog, to let people know that there’re people around the world that need help... There's only one question, what can YOU do to help others? Sometimes is not just about giving resources to those in need, but giving them the motivation to change their status quote. I hope you guys can post your feelings about some of the topics that will be discussed. What can we do to help those in need? What resources do you have available? And resources are not the only tool that could be used to help others! Your own voice can be an instrument that can aid others. I have this mentality that people in harsh conditions are just fighting against the mud around them. They can only see what is NOW and not WHAT CAN BE. I believe that it is our responsibility to help those in need because we’re all human. We don’t necessarily have to break the barriers that keep people in poverty, hunger, homeless, and ext. What we need to do is; bring them the motivation the desire to improve their standard of living, to open their eyes…

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Weight of the WORLD...

Isn't it ironic that now there's more obese people than malnourished people around the world...

There's an estimate that there's going to be 2.3 Billion overweight adults and 700 million will by obese by 2015. Compared to 1.6 Billion adults and 400 million obese adults in 2006. Children obesity has also become a concern over the past few decades.This number are really alarming! Being obese or overweight can lead to the major diseases (the ones the take the most lives around the world), such as cardiovascular, diabetes  and cancer. And as you see in the video above; them three kill over 27 MILLION people each year. The reasons for obesity are poor food choices, and physical inactivity. To say that 60% OF THE WORLD IS CONSIDER INACTIVE!!!

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is consider "the most lethal form of malnutrition/hunger". "It is the basically a lack of calories and protein" ( The was 925 million hungry people in 2010... Some of the major reasons why people live in poverty are: "extremely unequal income distributions, conflicts, and hunger itself". It's really impacting how the World Bank estimated that 1,345 million of poor people in developing countries" "live on $1.25 a day or less". The number of undernourished people between 1900-92 was 824 million. That number flew to 925 million people in 2010.

There's people who worry about loosing weight and not getting fat, while there're people around the world who are worrying about surviving the day. Every day in our lives we spend money and eat out in fast food restaurants which is causing a lot of harm to our bodies. I just want to remind you that there're people out there who go to sleep hungry wondering if there's going to be food on the table the following day. I encourage you to just take a quick look at your daily life, do you know what's on the food you're eating? It is up to every individual to decide whether to donate to organizations that are trying to end world hunger. But it also up to every individual to spread the world. To let people know that there's some in need out there. Let's come together to end hunger and change out ways of living life...

Statistics gather from:

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