My Mission

This site is not made to gather resources for those in need. This blog was made for one purpose only, to bring awareness about the forgotten world. We live our lives each day without really noticing what's going on around the world. And that's the purpose for this blog, to let people know that there’re people around the world that need help... There's only one question, what can YOU do to help others? Sometimes is not just about giving resources to those in need, but giving them the motivation to change their status quote. I hope you guys can post your feelings about some of the topics that will be discussed. What can we do to help those in need? What resources do you have available? And resources are not the only tool that could be used to help others! Your own voice can be an instrument that can aid others. I have this mentality that people in harsh conditions are just fighting against the mud around them. They can only see what is NOW and not WHAT CAN BE. I believe that it is our responsibility to help those in need because we’re all human. We don’t necessarily have to break the barriers that keep people in poverty, hunger, homeless, and ext. What we need to do is; bring them the motivation the desire to improve their standard of living, to open their eyes…

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Physical Child Abuse

"Physical abuse is the most visible form of child maltreatment" 
-American Humane Association

Physical abuse is defined "as non-accidental trauma or physical injury cause by punching, beating, kinking, biting  burning or otherwise harming a child" stated by the American Humane Association. Physical abuses are mostly cause by caretakers or parents that use an "inappropriate or excessive physical discipline".  But have you ever asked yourself what are the factors that lead to child abuse? Those factors are as follow: "parent's immaturity, lack of parenting skills, poor childhood experiences and social isolation, as well as frequent crisis situations, drug or alcohol problem and domestic violence".

But how can we identified when a child is going through physical abuse and not regular injuries that could happen in a playground? If the parents or caretaker are questioned about at child's injuries and there explanations don't really match with the injuries or the frequency of the injuries then physical abuse should be suspected. If the parents or the caretakers were to say that the injuries came from a single event but if it is evident that the injuries happened in different stages then physical abuse can be a reason to those injuries.

"Physical indicators of child abuse include: lacerations, swollen areas. Marks on the child's face, head, back, chest genital area, buttocks or thighs. Wounds like human bite marks, cigarette burns, broken bones, puncture marks or missing hair."

child behavior should also be an obvious sign that physical abuse is occurring. Many victims of physical abuse may display withdrawn or aggressive behavioral extremes, complain of soreness or uncomfortable movement, wear clothing that is inappropriate for the weather  express discomfort with physical contact or become chronic runaways. We also need to remember that some children don't have the willpower to speak up about any sort of abuse that happen inside of their lives. We need to be there voice and help them help themselves.

One of the main factors that lead to physical abuse is the parent's mind set. A lot of parents believe that by causing harm to their children when they do something wrong will correct them in the long term. Well this is absolutely wrong! The only that this mindset does is cause trauma. We cannot deny that kids are going to be kids. Everyone knows that it is hard to discipline a child but violence should NEVER be an option. The best thing to do is reward the children wen they do something good and deny them privileges when they do something that's unacceptable.

If you have any suspicion of a child going through physical abuse, don't hesitate REPORT IT! You should search for your local child protective services in your country or in your state. By law if you're reporting physical abuse or neglect it has to be under a reasonable suspicion.

Children shouldn't be going through this, it is unfair and cruel. Please stop for a second to notice the children around you, try to look for the main things that were mention is this post. Together we can save millions of children. Speak up and let us notice the things that need to be fixed and bring awareness of this forgotten world.

Physical Abuse Citations:

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Weight of the WORLD...

Isn't it ironic that now there's more obese people than malnourished people around the world...

There's an estimate that there's going to be 2.3 Billion overweight adults and 700 million will by obese by 2015. Compared to 1.6 Billion adults and 400 million obese adults in 2006. Children obesity has also become a concern over the past few decades.This number are really alarming! Being obese or overweight can lead to the major diseases (the ones the take the most lives around the world), such as cardiovascular, diabetes  and cancer. And as you see in the video above; them three kill over 27 MILLION people each year. The reasons for obesity are poor food choices, and physical inactivity. To say that 60% OF THE WORLD IS CONSIDER INACTIVE!!!

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is consider "the most lethal form of malnutrition/hunger". "It is the basically a lack of calories and protein" ( The was 925 million hungry people in 2010... Some of the major reasons why people live in poverty are: "extremely unequal income distributions, conflicts, and hunger itself". It's really impacting how the World Bank estimated that 1,345 million of poor people in developing countries" "live on $1.25 a day or less". The number of undernourished people between 1900-92 was 824 million. That number flew to 925 million people in 2010.

There's people who worry about loosing weight and not getting fat, while there're people around the world who are worrying about surviving the day. Every day in our lives we spend money and eat out in fast food restaurants which is causing a lot of harm to our bodies. I just want to remind you that there're people out there who go to sleep hungry wondering if there's going to be food on the table the following day. I encourage you to just take a quick look at your daily life, do you know what's on the food you're eating? It is up to every individual to decide whether to donate to organizations that are trying to end world hunger. But it also up to every individual to spread the world. To let people know that there's some in need out there. Let's come together to end hunger and change out ways of living life...

Statistics gather from:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Volunteering is not a choice, it's a responsibility"- Unknown

Wow! Is it really December already? I keep saying it every day, time flies... We're right on the middle of the holidays, visiting friends and family. Making preparations for Christmas day. It is really awesome how we are able to have those family moments with out loved ones. Our smiles and laughs can be heard and seen all around. But as we get more into this time of joy and giving let's not forget those who in need. 
"More than 40,000 people experience homelessness in Houston annually".
"It is sorrowful that there's people who will not have a warm plate..."
It's really sad to think about those who will not have a Merry Christmas. It is sorrowful that there's people who will not have a warm plate, their loved ones, or a place to sleep this Christmas. It does not matter whether you are Christian, White or Black, Poor or Rich, Male or Female, we all have the responsibly to help the less unfortunate ones because we're all human. It's kinda funny how my church had a banquet on Christmas Eve, there were so many volunteers (which was great) but not a lot of people to serve to. It is good that we had so many volunteers that are willing to share their time to help others. But there were so many other churches and organization that were having events for the less unfortunate ones that we were down on people to serve to. 

I always like to say that there's a lesson to be learned from any experience, and the lesson that I learn from my Church's banquet from last year is that; Christmas or any other holiday doesn't have to be "the day" where we all come together to serve the community (not saying that it's wrong). But we should be coming together everyday of the year and helping those in need.
"Over 11,000 students attending schools in Harris County were homeless during the 2010-2011 school year" 
We should keep in mind that there's people who will not have a hot meal everyday. We shouldn't remember this fact on the holidays, we need to have it on our to do list everyday. It is great how we all come together in the holidays to help those in need, but what if we're able to do that everyday? Can you imagine how many we would be able to help? The main reason why I would volunteer would be because; if you are able to help someone break the barriers that keep them homeless (such as hunger), then they would be able to liberate themselves from the chains that keep them bound to poverty. 

It shocking to see how "Houston has the largest homeless population in Texas and the 8th largest in the nation". This type or statistics shows us how there is really a lot of people that are in need right here in Houston... 

 If you are wanting to volunteer somewhere you are welcome to visit VOLUNTEER HOUSTON ( This website contain information of volunteering opportunities around you area. 

"A VOLUNTEER is a person who is a light to others, giving witness in a mixed-up age, doing well and willingly the tasks at hand-namely, being aware of another's needs and doing something about it."- Unknown 

 Statistics gather form the Houston's Police Department (2011 ANNUAL REPORT)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Little Angels Gone to Sleep

We have witness yet another act of pure evil. Those twenty kids had a future in front of them along with the six adults. The only thing on their minds was Christmas and gifts. We keep asking ourselves, why? I cannot imagine the feeling shared by the parents of those ten kids. I wouldn't dare putting myself in their shoes because I have a little sister and the thought of her getting shot to death is tenuous. Just to imagine the pain that those parents must have felt when they were told that their child was gone.
What has this country converted into? This shooting is the third this year (in a public place). Gun debates are most probably going to arise again. Do you really need a gun for protection? In my opinion I would say yes and no. I would never have the guts to shot someone and potentially killing them. And then again we all would do anything to protect our families. We all make mistakes including those people causing harm towards the world. Of course it is totally wrong and horrible but who are we to take anybody's life? I also do understand that we are protecting ourselves. It's surprising to see that "The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - there are 89 guns for every 100 Americans, compared to 6 in England and Wales". After seeing this it came to my mind how there's tons of people who own guns for other reasons that to go around killing children. Then I found out that from the "12,664 murders in the US". "Of those, 8,583 were caused by firearms".(Guardian,2012) That's 68% of the murders in the US!
In conclusion, I have to admit that there's has to be more restrictions placed upon guns in general so we can prevent more murders being caused by firearms. Ordinary people might think that this issue is not affecting them at all, but it is affecting the reputation and the image of the US. What type of image are other people around the world capturing when they see more and more deaths in the US caused by firearms? This is a wonderful country that can enjoy the luxury of democracy. Let's not trow away everything that this country has worked. Let's save lives, let's work together to prevent more violence from happening. I feel the most sincere sympathy for the parents of the children that were killed, I will keep them in my prayers and I hope that one day they'll be able to move on but never forgetting their little ones. I encourage you to reflect on this types of events and to find a way to stop violence, to figure out a way that will allow us work together. This type of events teaches us a really important lesson; we must cherish each day as if it were the last one, and we must remind our loved ones that they own a part of our hearts. We will never know when will be the last day we get to tell them "I love you"...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Awareness Against Human Trafficking

This is a really cool way to bring awareness! If you go to the Facebook page for the event you will see that some people have said "going". In this types of situations, the organization (in this case a business) is actually trying to make a difference but getting the information out into the world could be an issue. The bottom line here is that this is for a cause and I think that it is awesome that someone is trying to bring awareness about an issue that is happening here in Houston. The money gather is actually going towards the cause and some of the materials that are going to be sold are actually made from Human Trafficking Survivors! There's a cafe that is on business just for this cause! How amazing is that? Isn't funny that we go on with our lives when there's people who are hungry and cold out there in the street. Or some random person that has a life being bought or sold. I encourage you to see the link and try to attend the "FREE & FAIR & FESTive!" The links will be posted below... This will take place tomorrow Friday (12/14/12)From 4pm to 10pm Address: 1035 East 11th Street, Houston, Texas 77009 Let's help bring awareness so that we can be the voice for the voiceless. This is their official website: